
Our website https://jobs.brcmindia.org/ is a professional Job Portal focused on Retail Store job vacancies in India.

We provide all the information here about the latest job vacancies in the private sector of retail supermarkets, and retail stores for fresher & experienced candidates.

Why this Website?

While searching for a part-time job in my city last year, I found that there are no reliable dedicated sources for retail jobs in India. Some job portals publish Retail jobs but, those jobs are not directly posted by the employer.

These jobs are posed by consultants that charge money from the candidates. To break this chain we have started https://jobs.brcmindia.org/ which helps provide the latest jobs from the employer to the end candidates.

Why Choose Us?

We have been part of the retail sector in India for the past 15 years. So we know the ins & outs of the retail industry. With our deep knowledge of the retail environment & dynamics of business, we share the latest details about the Industry & work culture.

We don’t just publish the job opening, moreover, we share complete details about the company, their hiring process, interview process, salary details & duty schedule as well.